- Atashrouz, Behrouz; Pakdaman, Shahla; Asgari, Ali. (2008). The relationship between the five personality traits and academic achievement. Developmental Psychology Quarterly: Iranian Psychologists, 4 (16), 367-376. (in Persian)
- Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development. New York, NY, US: Basic Books.
- Brazeau CM, Schroeder R, Rovi S, Boyd L. (2010). Relationships between medical student burnout, empathy, and professionalism climate. Academic Medicine, 85, 33-36.
- Brougham, R.R., Zail, C.M., Mendoza, C.M. and Miller, J.R. (2009). Stress, Sex Differences, and Coping Strategies among College Students. Current Psychology, 28, 85-97.
- Cazan, A.M. (2015). Learning motivation, engagement and burnout among university students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, 413 – 417.
- D'Arrisso, A. (2010). Academic achievement in first nations adolescents: The role of parental and peer attachment in promoting successful outcomes. Master's Thesis. McGill University.
- Dahlin M, Joneborg N, Runeson B. (2007). Performance-based self-esteem and burnout in a cross-sectional study of medical students. Medical Teacher, 29(1), 43-48.
- Dyrbye, N., Harper, W., Durning, S. J., Moutier, C., Thomas, M. R., Massie, F. S., Jr.,… & Shanafelt, T. D. (2011). Patterns of distress in US medical students. Medical Teacher, 33(10), 834–839.
- Falsafinezhad, Mohammad Reza; Azizi Abarghoui, Mohsen; Ebrahimi Ghavamabadi, Soghra; Dortaj, Fariborz. (2015). Developing a causal model of academic burnout considering the mediating role of self-efficacy in undergraduate students. Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy Culture, 6 (24), 1-27. (in Persian)
- Fares, J, Tabosh, H. A., Saadeddin Z, Mouhayyar E, Aridi, H. (2016). Stress, Burnout and Coping Strategies in Preclinical Medical Students. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(2), 75–81.
- Glozah, N., Pevalin, D.J. (2014). Social support, stress, health, and academic success in Ghanaian adolescents: a path analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 37(4), 451– 460.
- Goodwin, L. (2004). The relevance of attachment theory to the philosophy organization, & practice of adult mental health care. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, 35-56.
- Habibah Elias, Wong Siew Ping, Maria Chong Abdullah (2011). Stress and Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Students in University Putra Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 646-655.
- Hicks, Cillora. (2015). "Utilization of a Focus Group to Evaluate the Perceived Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms of Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists". Doctoral Projects. 21.
- IsHak, , Nikravesh, R., Lederer, S., Perry, R., Ogunyemi, D., & Bernstein, C. (2013). Burnout in medical students: a systematic review. Clinical Teacher, 10, 242–245.
- Lee, J.-S. (2014). The Relationship between Student Engagement and Academic Performance: Is It a Myth or Reality? The Journal of Educational Research, 107(3), 177-185.
- Mahmoudian, Hasan; Abbasi, Muslem; Pirani, Zabih; Shah Ali Kaboudani, Fatemeh. (2017). The Role of Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioral Learning Passion in Predicting Students' Academic Burnout. Two Quarterly Cognitive Strategies in Learning, 6 (10), 197-207. (in Persian)
- May, R. W., Bauer, K. N., Fincham, F. D. (2015). School burnout: Diminished academic and cognitive performance. Learning and Individual Differences, 42, 126–131.
- May, R. W., Seiberta, G. S., Sanchez-Gonzalezb, M. A., Fincham, F. D. (2016). Physiology of school burnout in medical students: Hemodynamic and autonomic functioning. Burnout Research, 3, 63-68.
- MoghimIslam, M., jafari, P., & Hoseini, M. (2013). Impact of Stress Management Training on the Girl High School Student Academic Achievement. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 89, 22-26.
- Mohammadkhani, Shahram; Bahari, Ali; Akbarian Firouzabadi, Mahsa. (2017). Attachment styles and symptoms of depression: The mediating role of rumination. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, 23(3), 320-335. (in Persian)
- Moss, E., & St-Laurent, D. (2002). Attachment at School Age and Academic Performance. American Psychological Association, 37 (6): 863-874.
- Naami, Abdulzahra; Piriyai, Salehe. (2012). The Relationship between Dimensions of Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement in Third Year High School Students in Ahvaz. Journal of Research in Educational Systems, 6 (16), 29-42. (in Persian)
- Parker, P., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2011). Developmental processes in school burnout: A comparison of major developmental models. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 244–248.
- Pagnin, D., de Queiroz, V., Carvalho, Y. T., Dutra, A. S., Amaral, M. B., & Queiroz, T. T. (2014). The relation between burnout and sleep disorders in medical students. Academic Psychiatry, 38(4), 438–444.
- Pierceall, E.A. and Keim, M.C. (2007) Stress and coping strategies among community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 31(9), 703-712.
- Pines, A. M. (2004). Adult attachment styles and their relationship to burnout: A Preliminary, cross-cultural investigation. Work & Stress, 18(1), 66-80.
- Qasemi, Wahid. (2013). Structural Equation Modeling in Social Research Using Amos Graphics. Tehran: Sociologists publication. (in Persian)
- Ronen, S., & Mikulincer, M. (2009). Attachment orientation and job burnout: The mediating roles of team cohesion and organizational fairness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26(4), 549-563.
- Saif, Mohammad Hassan; Rastegar, Ahmad; Ershadi, Raheleh. (2017). The relationship between perfectionism and burnout through academic engagement. Research in Medical Education, 9 (2), 34-43. (in Persian)
- Saklofske, D. H., Austin, E. J., Mastoras, S. M., Beaton, L., & Osborne, S. E. (2012). Relationships of personality, affect, emotional intelligence and coping with student stress and academic success: Different patterns of association for stress and success. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 251-257.
- Salmela-Aro, K., Kiuru, N., Leskinen, E., &Nurmi, J. (2009). School Burnout Inventory (SBI) reliability and validity. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 48 –57.
- Salmela-Aro, K., Savolainen, H., & Holopainen, L. (2009). Depressive symptoms and school burnout during adolescence: Evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal studies. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 1316 –1327.
- Schaufeli, W., Martinez, I., Pinto, A. M., Salanova, M., & Backer, A. (2002). Burnout and engagement in university students: A cross-national study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33, 464 –481.
- Sharif Shad, Fatemeh; Arsang Jang, Shahram; Kheirollahi, Fatemeh. (2017). Prevalence of academic burnout and some related factors among medical students of Qom. Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 11 (2), 77-86. (in Persian)
- Sharpe, K. (2004). Parental influence on the development of children [On-Line]. Available: https://people.creighton.edu/idc24708/Genes%20Poster/Papers/Parenting/Sharpe.doc.
- Tahmasebi, Gholamhossein; Ramezani, Seyedeh Gol Afrooz; Zare, Heshmat. (2018). The effect of metacognitive strategies on achievement motivation and academic burnout in elementary sixth grade female students. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 9 (33), 173-190. (in Persian)
- Tobman, J., & Fass, M. (2002). The influence of parent and peer attachment on college students' academic achievement. Psychology in the Schools, 39, 561-573.
- Walburg, V. (2014). Burnout among high school students: A literature review. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 28-33.
- Yaghoubkhani Ghiasvand, Marzieh; Asadzadeh, Hassan; Sadipour, Ismail; Delavar, Ali; Doraj, Fariborz. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the School-Based Psychological Needs of Adolescents in Adolescent Students. Quarterly Journal of Educational and College Studies, 6 (1), 40-62. (in Persian)
- Zahed Babolan, Adel; Pourbahram, Roshanak; Rahmani Javanmard, Samira. (2014). The Relationship of Perfectionism, Goal Selection and Academic Performance with Academic Burnout. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 5 (18), 124-109. (in Persian)
- Atashrouz, Behrouz; Pakdaman, Shahla; Asgari, Ali. (2008). The relationship between the five personality traits and academic achievement. Developmental Psychology Quarterly: Iranian Psychologists, 4 (16), 367-376. (in Persian)
- Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development. New York, NY, US: Basic Books.
- Brazeau CM, Schroeder R, Rovi S, Boyd L. (2010). Relationships between medical student burnout, empathy, and professionalism climate. Academic Medicine, 85, 33-36.
- Brougham, R.R., Zail, C.M., Mendoza, C.M. and Miller, J.R. (2009). Stress, Sex Differences, and Coping Strategies among College Students. Current Psychology, 28, 85-97.
- Cazan, A.M. (2015). Learning motivation, engagement and burnout among university students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, 413 – 417.
- D'Arrisso, A. (2010). Academic achievement in first nations adolescents: The role of parental and peer attachment in promoting successful outcomes. Master's Thesis. McGill University.
- Dahlin M, Joneborg N, Runeson B. (2007). Performance-based self-esteem and burnout in a cross-sectional study of medical students. Medical Teacher, 29(1), 43-48.
- Dyrbye, N., Harper, W., Durning, S. J., Moutier, C., Thomas, M. R., Massie, F. S., Jr.,… & Shanafelt, T. D. (2011). Patterns of distress in US medical students. Medical Teacher, 33(10), 834–839.
- Falsafinezhad, Mohammad Reza; Azizi Abarghoui, Mohsen; Ebrahimi Ghavamabadi, Soghra; Dortaj, Fariborz. (2015). Developing a causal model of academic burnout considering the mediating role of self-efficacy in undergraduate students. Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy Culture, 6 (24), 1-27. (in Persian)
- Fares, J, Tabosh, H. A., Saadeddin Z, Mouhayyar E, Aridi, H. (2016). Stress, Burnout and Coping Strategies in Preclinical Medical Students. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(2), 75–81.
- Glozah, N., Pevalin, D.J. (2014). Social support, stress, health, and academic success in Ghanaian adolescents: a path analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 37(4), 451– 460.
- Goodwin, L. (2004). The relevance of attachment theory to the philosophy organization, & practice of adult mental health care. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, 35-56.
- Habibah Elias, Wong Siew Ping, Maria Chong Abdullah (2011). Stress and Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Students in University Putra Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 646-655.
- Hicks, Cillora. (2015). "Utilization of a Focus Group to Evaluate the Perceived Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms of Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists". Doctoral Projects. 21.
- IsHak, , Nikravesh, R., Lederer, S., Perry, R., Ogunyemi, D., & Bernstein, C. (2013). Burnout in medical students: a systematic review. Clinical Teacher, 10, 242–245.
- Lee, J.-S. (2014). The Relationship between Student Engagement and Academic Performance: Is It a Myth or Reality? The Journal of Educational Research, 107(3), 177-185.
- Mahmoudian, Hasan; Abbasi, Muslem; Pirani, Zabih; Shah Ali Kaboudani, Fatemeh. (2017). The Role of Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioral Learning Passion in Predicting Students' Academic Burnout. Two Quarterly Cognitive Strategies in Learning, 6 (10), 197-207. (in Persian)
- May, R. W., Bauer, K. N., Fincham, F. D. (2015). School burnout: Diminished academic and cognitive performance. Learning and Individual Differences, 42, 126–131.
- May, R. W., Seiberta, G. S., Sanchez-Gonzalezb, M. A., Fincham, F. D. (2016). Physiology of school burnout in medical students: Hemodynamic and autonomic functioning. Burnout Research, 3, 63-68.
- MoghimIslam, M., jafari, P., & Hoseini, M. (2013). Impact of Stress Management Training on the Girl High School Student Academic Achievement. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 89, 22-26.
- Mohammadkhani, Shahram; Bahari, Ali; Akbarian Firouzabadi, Mahsa. (2017). Attachment styles and symptoms of depression: The mediating role of rumination. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, 23(3), 320-335. (in Persian)
- Moss, E., & St-Laurent, D. (2002). Attachment at School Age and Academic Performance. American Psychological Association, 37 (6): 863-874.
- Naami, Abdulzahra; Piriyai, Salehe. (2012). The Relationship between Dimensions of Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement in Third Year High School Students in Ahvaz. Journal of Research in Educational Systems, 6 (16), 29-42. (in Persian)
- Parker, P., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2011). Developmental processes in school burnout: A comparison of major developmental models. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 244–248.
- Pagnin, D., de Queiroz, V., Carvalho, Y. T., Dutra, A. S., Amaral, M. B., & Queiroz, T. T. (2014). The relation between burnout and sleep disorders in medical students. Academic Psychiatry, 38(4), 438–444.
- Pierceall, E.A. and Keim, M.C. (2007) Stress and coping strategies among community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 31(9), 703-712.
- Pines, A. M. (2004). Adult attachment styles and their relationship to burnout: A Preliminary, cross-cultural investigation. Work & Stress, 18(1), 66-80.
- Qasemi, Wahid. (2013). Structural Equation Modeling in Social Research Using Amos Graphics. Tehran: Sociologists publication. (in Persian)
- Ronen, S., & Mikulincer, M. (2009). Attachment orientation and job burnout: The mediating roles of team cohesion and organizational fairness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26(4), 549-563.
- Saif, Mohammad Hassan; Rastegar, Ahmad; Ershadi, Raheleh. (2017). The relationship between perfectionism and burnout through academic engagement. Research in Medical Education, 9 (2), 34-43. (in Persian)
- Saklofske, D. H., Austin, E. J., Mastoras, S. M., Beaton, L., & Osborne, S. E. (2012). Relationships of personality, affect, emotional intelligence and coping with student stress and academic success: Different patterns of association for stress and success. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 251-257.
- Salmela-Aro, K., Kiuru, N., Leskinen, E., &Nurmi, J. (2009). School Burnout Inventory (SBI) reliability and validity. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 48 –57.
- Salmela-Aro, K., Savolainen, H., & Holopainen, L. (2009). Depressive symptoms and school burnout during adolescence: Evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal studies. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 1316 –1327.
- Schaufeli, W., Martinez, I., Pinto, A. M., Salanova, M., & Backer, A. (2002). Burnout and engagement in university students: A cross-national study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33, 464 –481.
- Sharif Shad, Fatemeh; Arsang Jang, Shahram; Kheirollahi, Fatemeh. (2017). Prevalence of academic burnout and some related factors among medical students of Qom. Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal, 11 (2), 77-86. (in Persian)
- Sharpe, K. (2004). Parental influence on the development of children [On-Line]. Available: https://people.creighton.edu/idc24708/Genes%20Poster/Papers/Parenting/Sharpe.doc.
- Tahmasebi, Gholamhossein; Ramezani, Seyedeh Gol Afrooz; Zare, Heshmat. (2018). The effect of metacognitive strategies on achievement motivation and academic burnout in elementary sixth grade female students. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 9 (33), 173-190. (in Persian)
- Tobman, J., & Fass, M. (2002). The influence of parent and peer attachment on college students' academic achievement. Psychology in the Schools, 39, 561-573.
- Walburg, V. (2014). Burnout among high school students: A literature review. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 28-33.
- Yaghoubkhani Ghiasvand, Marzieh; Asadzadeh, Hassan; Sadipour, Ismail; Delavar, Ali; Doraj, Fariborz. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the School-Based Psychological Needs of Adolescents in Adolescent Students. Quarterly Journal of Educational and College Studies, 6 (1), 40-62. (in Persian)
- Zahed Babolan, Adel; Pourbahram, Roshanak; Rahmani Javanmard, Samira. (2014). The Relationship of Perfectionism, Goal Selection and Academic Performance with Academic Burnout. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 5 (18), 124-109. (in Persian)