Following the increase in gasoline prices in November 2019, protests took place in Iranian cities. The protests, which began peacefully and eventually led to riots, turned into a security crisis for the regime that was widespread, intense, and widespread. This was despite the fact that during the two years before that (December 2017 and August 2018), protests with a more limited scope had taken place. Since a number of people, military and security forces were killed and wounded in this incident and significant damage was done to the country's infrastructure, especially in the urban community, in order to prevent such a recurrence, this study seeks to find the answer to this question. What are the factors that led to this security crisis in Iranian cities? To find the answer by descriptive-analytical method and by collecting related documents and filing, the relevant theory was examined and according to it, the related events from 2017-2018 were examined. In response, the hypothesis put forward by applying the theory of relative deprivation was that a decline in people's abilities would lead to protests, riots, and ultimately to a security crisis. The result is that during the two years of their lives in the years 2017-2019 in the conditions of international sanctions, slowing economic growth, rising food prices, rising dollar, coins and declining per capita income, their abilities became apparent and with the sudden onset of gasoline prices this feeling was created. The gap between expectations and capabilities widened, and the sense of relative deprivation created in the people led to protests that eventually turned into riots and security crises. |
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