- Abdollahi, A. A., Ghasemi, M. (2016). Spatial Analysis of Smart Growth in Urban Areas Using Waspas-Fuzzy Topsis Techniques (Case Study: Kerman City), Human Resource Planning Studies, 13(45), 1003-1019.
- Abdollahi, A. A., Khodaman, Z. (2016). Studying and Evaluation the Physical_ Spatial of Smart Growth Indicators Using WASPAS Model (Case Study: Yazd City Regions), Urban Area Studies, 3(3), 79-99.
- Ansari, M., Vali Shariat panahi, M., Malek Hosseini, A., Modiri, M. (2018). Spatial Analysis of the Smart Urban Growth Indicators Distribution at the Level of the Following Neighborhoods: Malayer City, Regional Planning, 8(32), 93-112.
- Binta Samad, R., Chisty, K.U., Rahman, A. (2016). Urbanization and Urban Growth Dynamics: A Study on Chittagong City, Journal of Bangladesh, Institute of Planners, 8, 167-174.
- Chatman, D. G., Rayle, L., Gabbe, C. J., Plowman, J., Sohn, P., Crane, R., ... & Crane, R. (2016). Analyzing the economic benefits and costs of smart growth (No. PB2016103250).
- Conticellim, E. (2019). Compact City as a Model Achieving Sustainable Development, 25 January, Authors and Affiliations https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71061-7_35-1, 1-10.
- Davoudi, H., Alimoradi, A. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Urban Boulevards (Case Study: Shahid Ansari Boulevard of Rasht), Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University of Rasht Branch, Faculty of Literature and Humanities.
- Dierwechter, Y. (2014). The Spaces that Smart Growth Makes: Sustainability, Segregation and Residential Change across Greater Seattle, Urban Geography, 35(5), 691–714.
- Edwards, M. M., & Haines, A. (2007). Evaluating smart growth: Implications for small communities. Journal of planning education and research, 27(1), 49-64.
- Ferdosi, S., Shokri, P. (2015). Spatial- physical Analysis of Urban Areas Based on Smart Growth Indicators, Urban Research and Planning, 6(22), 15-32.
- Hassanpour, R., & Heidarzadeh, M. (2011). An Analysis of Changes in Network and Urban System of Rasht Town ship in the Last Three Decades. Journal of Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 6(15), 35-49.
- Hataminezhad, H., Rabani, T., Mohammadi, N., asadi, S., 2012, Physical Spatial Development of Varzaneh City and Presentation of Future Development Strategies of the City, Landuse Planning, 4(2), 53-74.
- Homafar M., Saeedirezvani, N. & Mehrabi, M. (2015). Neo-Liberalism and Urban Smart Growth, From Theory to Action, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5(S2), 1804-
- Hosseini, A., Poorahmad, A., Veysi, R. (2012). Optimal Location of Physical Development of Rasht City Using AHP Model, Geographical Perspective in Human Studies, 8(23), 55-72.
- Carruthers, J. (2007). Does “Smart Growth” Matter to Public Finance?, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research; University of Washington, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Maryland, National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education.
- Ilaghi, M., Noohi, R. & Mohimi, A. M. (2014). Investigating the Process of Physical-Spatial Expansion of Kerman City Using Shannon and Heldren Entropy Models, Geography and Urban Planning Zagros Landscape, 7(23), 35-52.
- Ingram, G., Carbonell, A., Hung Hong, Y. & Flint, A. (2009). Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes, Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Koch, J., Dorning, M. A., Van Berkel, D. B., Beck, S. M., Sanchez, G. M., Shashidharan, A., ... & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2019). Modeling landowner interactions and development patterns at the urban fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 182, 101-113..
- Lee, S. (2005). Metropolitan growth patterns' impact on intra-regional spatial differentiation and inner-ring suburban decline: inSights for smart growth. Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Lee, S., & Leigh, N. G. (2005). The role of inner ring suburbs in metropolitan smart growth strategies. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 330-346.
- Mathew, B. A. (2013). The link between smart growth in urban development and climate change (Doctoral dissertation).
- Poor Sheikhiyan, A. R. & Nazariyan, A. (2010). Genesis of Metropolitan Area and its Space reflection Case study: Rasht, Land Geography, 7(3), 33-50.
- Poormohammadi, M. R. & Ghorbani, R. (2003). Dimensions and Strategies of Urban Space Condensation Paradigm, Humanities Teacher, 7(2), 85-108.
- Randhawa, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Exploring sustainability of smart development initiatives in India. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 701-710.
- Shokrghozar, A., Jamshidi, Z. & Jamshidi, P. (2015). Evaluation of the Principles and Strategies of Smart Urban Growth in the Future Development of Rasht Based on Heldren Population Density Model, Geography and Development, 13(41), 45-64.
- Soyinka, O., Siu, K. W. M., Lawanson, T., & Adeniji, O. (2016). Assessing smart infrastructure for sustainable urban development in the Lagos metropolis. Journal of urban management, 5(2), 52-64.
- Stewart, D. (2010). Smart Growth: From Rhetoric to Reality in Irish Urban Planning 1997-2007.
- VanderJeugdt, B. (2014). Transportation aspects of smart growth in the Research Triangle Region (NC): Current conditions and future prospects. East Carolina University, Geography, Planning and Environment.
- Wegmann, J., & Chapple, K. (2014). Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 7(3), 307-329.
- Witzig, M., & Turnoy, S. (2010). Review of Large-Scale Retail Design Standards and Development Principles: Accessibility, public space, human scale, safety, and sustainability in the urban landscape.
- Ye, L., Mandpe, S., & Meyer, P. B. (2005). What is “smart growth?”—Really?. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 301-315.
- Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z., Antucheviciene, J., & Zakarevicius, A. (2012). Optimization of weighted aggregated sum product assessment. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 122(6), 3-6.
- Abdollahi, A. A., Ghasemi, M. (2016). Spatial Analysis of Smart Growth in Urban Areas Using Waspas-Fuzzy Topsis Techniques (Case Study: Kerman City), Human Resource Planning Studies, 13(45), 1003-1019.
- Abdollahi, A. A., Khodaman, Z. (2016). Studying and Evaluation the Physical_ Spatial of Smart Growth Indicators Using WASPAS Model (Case Study: Yazd City Regions), Urban Area Studies, 3(3), 79-99.
- Ansari, M., Vali Shariat panahi, M., Malek Hosseini, A., Modiri, M. (2018). Spatial Analysis of the Smart Urban Growth Indicators Distribution at the Level of the Following Neighborhoods: Malayer City, Regional Planning, 8(32), 93-112.
- Binta Samad, R., Chisty, K.U., Rahman, A. (2016). Urbanization and Urban Growth Dynamics: A Study on Chittagong City, Journal of Bangladesh, Institute of Planners, 8, 167-174.
- Chatman, D. G., Rayle, L., Gabbe, C. J., Plowman, J., Sohn, P., Crane, R., ... & Crane, R. (2016). Analyzing the economic benefits and costs of smart growth (No. PB2016103250).
- Conticellim, E. (2019). Compact City as a Model Achieving Sustainable Development, 25 January, Authors and Affiliations https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71061-7_35-1, 1-10.
- Davoudi, H., Alimoradi, A. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Urban Boulevards (Case Study: Shahid Ansari Boulevard of Rasht), Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University of Rasht Branch, Faculty of Literature and Humanities.
- Dierwechter, Y. (2014). The Spaces that Smart Growth Makes: Sustainability, Segregation and Residential Change across Greater Seattle, Urban Geography, 35(5), 691–714.
- Edwards, M. M., & Haines, A. (2007). Evaluating smart growth: Implications for small communities. Journal of planning education and research, 27(1), 49-64.
- Ferdosi, S., Shokri, P. (2015). Spatial- physical Analysis of Urban Areas Based on Smart Growth Indicators, Urban Research and Planning, 6(22), 15-32.
- Hassanpour, R., & Heidarzadeh, M. (2011). An Analysis of Changes in Network and Urban System of Rasht Town ship in the Last Three Decades. Journal of Studies of Human Settlements Planning, 6(15), 35-49.
- Hataminezhad, H., Rabani, T., Mohammadi, N., asadi, S., 2012, Physical Spatial Development of Varzaneh City and Presentation of Future Development Strategies of the City, Landuse Planning, 4(2), 53-74.
- Homafar M., Saeedirezvani, N. & Mehrabi, M. (2015). Neo-Liberalism and Urban Smart Growth, From Theory to Action, Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, 5(S2), 1804-
- Hosseini, A., Poorahmad, A., Veysi, R. (2012). Optimal Location of Physical Development of Rasht City Using AHP Model, Geographical Perspective in Human Studies, 8(23), 55-72.
- Carruthers, J. (2007). Does “Smart Growth” Matter to Public Finance?, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research; University of Washington, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Maryland, National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education.
- Ilaghi, M., Noohi, R. & Mohimi, A. M. (2014). Investigating the Process of Physical-Spatial Expansion of Kerman City Using Shannon and Heldren Entropy Models, Geography and Urban Planning Zagros Landscape, 7(23), 35-52.
- Ingram, G., Carbonell, A., Hung Hong, Y. & Flint, A. (2009). Smart Growth Policies: An Evaluation of Programs and Outcomes, Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Koch, J., Dorning, M. A., Van Berkel, D. B., Beck, S. M., Sanchez, G. M., Shashidharan, A., ... & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2019). Modeling landowner interactions and development patterns at the urban fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 182, 101-113..
- Lee, S. (2005). Metropolitan growth patterns' impact on intra-regional spatial differentiation and inner-ring suburban decline: inSights for smart growth. Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Lee, S., & Leigh, N. G. (2005). The role of inner ring suburbs in metropolitan smart growth strategies. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 330-346.
- Mathew, B. A. (2013). The link between smart growth in urban development and climate change (Doctoral dissertation).
- Poor Sheikhiyan, A. R. & Nazariyan, A. (2010). Genesis of Metropolitan Area and its Space reflection Case study: Rasht, Land Geography, 7(3), 33-50.
- Poormohammadi, M. R. & Ghorbani, R. (2003). Dimensions and Strategies of Urban Space Condensation Paradigm, Humanities Teacher, 7(2), 85-108.
- Randhawa, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Exploring sustainability of smart development initiatives in India. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), 701-710.
- Shokrghozar, A., Jamshidi, Z. & Jamshidi, P. (2015). Evaluation of the Principles and Strategies of Smart Urban Growth in the Future Development of Rasht Based on Heldren Population Density Model, Geography and Development, 13(41), 45-64.
- Soyinka, O., Siu, K. W. M., Lawanson, T., & Adeniji, O. (2016). Assessing smart infrastructure for sustainable urban development in the Lagos metropolis. Journal of urban management, 5(2), 52-64.
- Stewart, D. (2010). Smart Growth: From Rhetoric to Reality in Irish Urban Planning 1997-2007.
- VanderJeugdt, B. (2014). Transportation aspects of smart growth in the Research Triangle Region (NC): Current conditions and future prospects. East Carolina University, Geography, Planning and Environment.
- Wegmann, J., & Chapple, K. (2014). Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 7(3), 307-329.
- Witzig, M., & Turnoy, S. (2010). Review of Large-Scale Retail Design Standards and Development Principles: Accessibility, public space, human scale, safety, and sustainability in the urban landscape.
- Ye, L., Mandpe, S., & Meyer, P. B. (2005). What is “smart growth?”—Really?. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 301-315.
- Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z., Antucheviciene, J., & Zakarevicius, A. (2012). Optimization of weighted aggregated sum product assessment. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, 122(6), 3-6.